
Identity Products

Logo Design, Tagline, Identity Planning, Business Message/Profile, Advertisements, Product/Service Definition, Blogs, Press Releases, Marketing Packages, Public Awareness, Business/Product Launch Direction, PowerPoints

Identity Clients

TomberlinUSA, NYS Tax Amnesty, Greene County Seal, Greene County Tryptic, The Bastion Group, Bethlehem Chamber, Boyd Landscaping, CORE, Fowler Seal, House of Littlejohn-Williams, Jesse Runs Errands, Jim’s Spice Rub, Positive Parenting, Rasterhead, Same Day Prayer Cards, SureWood Floors, Steo Home Solutions, St. Luke’s Recovery Resource, Voice, The Mediterranean Digest, Columbia Hudson Partnership, CX

A Company’s Presence

Why is a Business Identity Important?

Many businesses still believe that a Logo is an Identity. That’s it. That an entire business revolves around a single graphic. Doesn’t make much sense when it’s put in that context. Although much of the public’s perception can center around a Logo, this drives what people understand when they see your business.

The Logo is a major part of your look and should be present in all initiatives that come from your Identity. It should be understood immediately what your services are about. Project your business’s message based on what people are interested in and what you want them to know. They expect this when they come to you for their needs. It should be clear, summarizing, and understandable.

Identity drastically affects first impressions.

Identity projects your theme throughout all types of media. The repetition of your message brings a more memorable impression.

Your signage, your web presence, radio and video, marketing kits, illustrations, clothing… your Identity acts as the power of everything your business does. Print enhances your business presence more than just being on the web. Social Media like or also reflects your business identity.

Aside from your logo, the most important place that your Identity should be apparent is your Tagline. This concise text describes what your business is all about. It should be memorable and fully reflect your identity. It summarizes what you do and how and what your audience can expect from you. “The Best in the Business” says nothing about what you offer.

What is Meant by “Form Follows Function”?

Your company’s unique creation and its visual representation plays a strong part in all viewers’ understanding. As your individuality is predominant over your competitors in its offerings, so should be your identity. In business, the function of your services should be the most important resource understood by its viewers while its form shows how your identity is experienced.

Your office for instance provides you with what you require to develop and serve your needs. The way you experience when in the office personalizes and your working space so you can enjoy working there.

Identity works the same way. Your current and potential clients judge the status and quality of what they will get from your business in one glance. When using a unique identity, its form will enhance your clients’ interpretation of what your business provides as a function. Knowing that you can combine their needs with their level of quality brings them the level of superiority in the product and service that your business represents in a single image.

Seals and Crests are most often the solution for identifying a government agency, town or county, family name or family-owned business, or a historical-based faction. When done correctly, a Seal or Crest stands for years, decades or more. These have become the most respected visual representations of tradition created by illustrators.

Should I Ever Change my Identity?

There can be many reasons for you to question your current identity. Although it defines your business, your business may have altered direction, it should reflect this new direction or revival. It may be too long and is not easily memorable. It may not be doing its job at resonating with the public. Or it may simply be too generic.

If your business drastically improves or changes, you should rethink your Identity. If you have new or different products, your tagline should reflect that. The logo itself may require an update since it should reflect your entire business in one glance.

If your audience may not be facing growth or faces a decline in interest, it may be time to re-invent your message. There is a chance that it is not reflecting what your business provides. Your current Identity may not be fulfilled by your Business Strategy.

If your business changes due to a new venture such as a merger, it can drive the need for additional clients. Any potential business could be missed without a change of Identity. With change in name, Marketing Structure, or new audiences, not updating your Identity could result in a lost opportunity for potential business.

The Branding Story will be the reference material for the design of your website, print materials, video, and other marketing tools to ensure that your branding looks consistent everywhere.